Posts by yelena

Photo Shoot With Kristin Oliver

Posted on Dec 7, 2011 | 0 comments

A recent article, from photographer Kristin Oliver, entitled An Afternoon With Ballet displays the final composition of her work with the dancers of Holt Ballet Conservatory and Director Yelena Holt. In the article, Kristin elaborates on her experience of the project, stating “In my conversations with Yelena, I was fascinated with her process … her thoughts on ballet as the foundation in dance training, developing dancers, the importance of an education in dance and the benefits of patience, tenacity, hard work, humility and celebration.” The recent collaboration between HBC and Kristin Oliver involved photographing dancers during rehearsals for an upcoming performance, for final display in Oliver’s gallery. Oliver interviewed Mrs. Holt after the shoot and merged words from the interview with the final work. The resulting art speaks eloquently on the subject of becoming a...

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